Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Keeping stuff in

This has been one hell of a deployment.  Besides the whole school, kids, doctor and other things that are just a normal part of life, I have been working on getting my practicum and internship set up.  Since July...  But that isn't a story to share on the internet.  It was just frustrating and so time consuming.  I guess that I naively thought that if I offered 1000 hours of work that it would be jumped on with my experience and current GPA.
And then there is the guilt that I have quite enjoyed the weekends that I have class.  I had to drive 2 hours away and with the class not getting out until midnight, I got a hotel.  Three weekends (Friday and Saturday) that were wonderful.  I enjoyed interesting, thought provoking conversation, learned bunches, had my eyes opened on some subjects and then I got to sit in a hot tub drinking wine with one of my best friends.  How could that not be a great weekend?  But there is the guilt.
On Sundays I"ve undertaken the task of the beautiful Birthday Pi.  My first pi shawl.  And its a doosy.  But I"m working on it and it will be done before Eric gets home (he doesn't get home until May 13, so I"ve given myself a bit of time to get it done).
Absolutely beautiful.  I measured it and its almost 5 feet.  And I"m just over 5 feet, so I"m wondering how big this will be when I finally get done...  But I"m excited to work on it.
And It will be done, hopefully before I get my degree in August :)
Now to just keep everything balanced so that I can get there...

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