Thursday, November 24, 2011

things to be thankful for

Which is such a hard list to write this year.  If it was a list of things that I never want to do again, or things that I hope never happen again, or even a list of things that I thought I would never have to do in my life, that would be easy.
But I am thankful.
I"m thankful for a husband that loves me, even when he is 6000 miles away.  He manages to make me feel that he loves me more than anyone can ever be loved, even when he isn't here.
I"m thankful for my kiddo.  He is as helpful as he can be and he puts up with me not having the energy to do much after work.
I"m thankful for the baby.  He makes me laugh (and pull out my hair, but that's ok).
I"m thankful for the friends that I have and how they have been helping me as much as I will let them.
I'm thankful for my education.  I won't get a great paying job for my $100k worth of student loans, but I will be able to help people that really need help.  And maybe we will move to a bigger city someday so I can make a good wage off of my degree.
I'm thankful for the internet, that has made it easier to keep in touch with family even being in another state.
I"m thankful for the little things this year, because big is too hard to take.
But I"m thankful that today is sunny and bright and both boys woke up late so I could sleep in.

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