Tuesday, January 24, 2012

a sigh of relief

Hubby came home today!  I was so busy this morning he almost beat me to the airport.
I'm working, doing my internship, full time Grad school, helping kiddo get to band practice, working on my knitting and playing with the baby.  Its a full day most days.
I"m starting a new job as a case manager.  Its a wonderful job with low pay, but the fact that all my clients are so happy to see me and want me to help them make their lives better makes my day worth it.  Plus its a start in the company that I want to be in, so its great!
I"m working on my pay it forward for the year.  I have 8 people that want stuff this year, so I will be knitting for a bit!  I have 2 down (can we say insomnia?) and will be starting the third soon.  I need to remember to take pictures after I take them off the wires, before I send them out.  I"m such a goof that I keep forgetting them.
But I have so much less stress now.  Hubby is home.  I got to pee without kids and dog outside the door wondering when they can come in and what I am doing and what ever else question that they can think of while I"m trying to get a minute of peace.
And hes safe.  So one less person that I have to worry about.
Now to not get bogged down in the fact that he is leaving again in 14 weeks. :(

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