Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday comes in the middle of the week

Am working on ways to save money to pay down the credit cards and prepare for our trip to Italy.  So far I've talked to my insurance company.  and I found out that they never received my wind mitigation information that I turned in over 2 years ago.  So I have been paying lots and lots of extra on my home owners.  For three years.  Not a happy camper there.  But I just had a new inspection and I will be paying less in just a month.  So thats good. 
I also found out that when Hubby deploys I can get a discount on my property taxes!  Yippi!  Less in taxes (which in Florida is a great thing cause the taxes are HIGH). 
And I found that I can get some construction on my roof with a grant that we qualify for and will increase the wind protection on my house.  That will also save me money (it will cost some, but the savings will pay off in 4 years or one hurricane).  So the saving money is working.
Now on to the knitting.  I have been depressed so I have been knitting lots and lots and lots.  But its all good.  I do the pay it forward and finished one of the shawls for that, and then I bartered a shawl for a hat so I have that done and now I"m actually knitting for me!  That never happens, but I needed to knit for me.  So a Milo it is.  I liked the picture so that is what I knit :)
The kiddo is getting his bike back after having it gone for almost a month for foot surgery, so hes happy too.
Now just to get the hubby and the baby happy, then I will be too

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