Friday, June 24, 2011

A rainy day to go to the beach

Its time again for the annual Com group beach bash.  It seems like every year I dread this more and more.  Its not that I don't like the beach, or the troops...  Its the mandatory fun that I don't like.  The big bosses decided that they have a more cohesive military if they have fun days that include family.  In my reality, its a time for me to try and juggle two kids and be nice to the other wives (most of who I either don't know or don't really get along with) while my husband finds the beer and disappears.  Not fun, not at all.
The baby wants to jump into the ocean while the kiddo wants to sit in a corner and be a teenager.  Its not a fun time for me, and if I don't have the kids, well, then I"m not much of a loving mother am I?  My idea of a fun time can include a beach, and kids and people... but I like having people that I really like, not ones that I only see during functions that have no want to know me (and vice versa) outside of these functions.
But next weekend will be better.  My sister is coming down for a visit and we will do all the touristy things (dolphin cruise, yarn crawl) and then we will have real friends over for a BBQ and it will be a nice time.
I hate having to play pretty for the hubbs.  It is the same thing all the time, playing nice, smiling and not having any real relationships, and knowing that they are being high schoolers behind my back and talking bad about me (her hair is bad, she looks fat in that bathing suit, her kids are weird, have heard them all).  But being the loving wife, I will go and smile and pretend that there is no where else that I would rather be. 
Besides, maybe this year will be different.  Maybe all the other wives have grown up and don't act like 14 year olds any more...  One can hope

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