Monday, July 18, 2011

And so it begins

Dropped the husband off at the airport yesterday.  It was a sad day.
The weather fit the mood of the day, raining and dreary.  We were sad, loading up my jeep to the brim with 6 months of stuff that you will need when you don't have the comforts of home.   I will still need to go to the post office and send him some stuff that he won't have at his location, like bedding and such.  (which upsets me everytime he goes, they don't have enough sheets and blankets for the troops).
The baby is sad today, and was sad yesterday too.  He wants me to take him back to the airport so he can get his daddy back.  How do you explain to a two year old that daddy won't be home for quite some time?  The kiddo helps out so much and just hugs him and plays a game with him.

And I have one more paper to write before I can call this term at school done.  Will have to really try and concentrate for this.  Its so hard to concentrate on school work when all I can think of is 'did his plane make it?' "did he get there ok?'
I don't watch the news when he is gone so I don't know how the world is, and I won't get too upset.  But this trip I am trying to have a new outlook on life.  I am trying to think positive!  I can do this, I've done it more times than I want to remember.  I will make it thru this deployment, and the remote tour that follows right on the heels.  I can live two years with out my husband home, and I will live well.  Just differently

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