Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The epic tail of the baby and his sunglasses

Poor, poor baby.  He doesn't have glasses.  Mommy has glasses, Daddy has glasses, Big Brother has glasses and so does almost everyone else in the pictures labeled family.
But not baby.  He had a sad.  It was a big sad, he told me all about it.  It made him cry.
So being the good mommy that I am, I bought him a pair of sunglasses.  These were the perfect thing!  He could wear them and the sun didn't hurt his eyes in the morning.  Put them on outside and they were great!!  It was fun to play in the bright Florida sun. 
We went on a bike ride (well, up and down the driveway on the tricycle), we played on the slide and he just ran like crazy all over the back yard.  They were wonderful!!!
But then it was time to go inside.  Sunglasses like his don't work like mine.  When I go inside my sunglasses magically become clear glasses.  So baby had to investigate why.
He looked really closely at my lenses.  Didn't change them.  He looked very closely at his lenses, no change there either.  his were still dark.  So he got into his tool box.  Out comes the plastic screwdriver.  He comes close to me, I run.  So he tries to hit the lenses of his glasses, no change.  So he gets out the ruler and measures them.  Still nothing.
He's two so my pleas of 'Baby, they stay that way" were left unheard.  So I let him go at it.
The hammer didn't work, neither did the drill, or the extra screws that go with the board to use with his plastic tools.
So he finally decided what the next step would be!  He drug his chair across the living room floor and turned on the light.  He fixed it!  Now he could see inside.
For two sometime I have to admit that hes a smarty!

1 comment:

  1. How about getting him another pair but take the lenses out. It won't be the same, but he might enjoy them nevertheless... such a cute story. And he is a smarty!
