Wednesday, August 3, 2011

And then?

I just have too much to do.  Since the car accident I have been dealing with the kiddo being hurt, the baby having night-terrors and the extra stress on me. 
In the weeks since the accident, Hubby's car had problems (luckily the bings and the flashy lights were just part of the warning system that there was a problem) that were fixed by a friend.  My oven broke, them the stove broke.  The baby fed some crayons to the microwave breaking that (there was nothing to fix food on for the last 4 days) and my stress rose!
AVIS is trying to get me to sign all right off from the accident before the medical bills come in, saying that is the only way that they will pay for the repairs on the car.  Ummm no.  So now I have to get a lawyer, or at least some legal advice.  I need a lawyer friend today.  And my car fixed...
Hubby's VW is a stick... and I managed to sprain my Achliles tendon.  SO now I have to drive in pain.  Wonderful.  When does it end?
But I"m trying to keep positive.  Because I know that if I give in to the anxiety and the depression it will not help and everything will be worse!
So I'm so happy that I have two little boys that love me more than anything!  And a husband that loves me too.  And I have friends that I can call on for help when I need it.  And this stressful time has shown me who my real friends are and who is just around for whatever reason that they are.  Now I know who is worth my energy and who isn't. 
I know that I can't do it all today, but there is tomorrow and tomorrow and then the next day if I need it to get done.  And I know that it doesn't make me a bad person if it takes me a day or two to get it all done.
Family isn't always who you are born with.  When you get older and move away its who you choose.  And you can always count on family not to make you feel bad for crying all over them...
And to quote Annie 'The sun Will come out tomorrow'.

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