Friday, August 12, 2011

Knitting? With my schedule?

I knit today, but you woulyd never know it.  Bought some new yarn with my birthday gift certificate and got out needles intent on making a cutie scarf for my niece.  Then it happened... Baby.  He just wanted to see my needles... and I was using Rozetti, Marina Multi, a fun yarn, all acrylic and waiting to made into a scarf for a 16 year old to play with.  Except the baby showed me the needles while I was out on the porch and the yarn was still on the table where I left it.  So it wasn't a project any more cause there was no way I could find the stitches to pick up.   So I will knit tomorrow.
The kitchen reno is almost done, so that is more time in my life to play with.  But school starts Monday so I will have my brains in the books more than not.  And since CACREP decided that I need to take my comps almost 6 months early I will be studying my buns off to get thru that test.  But thats ok.  I can kinda read and knit.  I will just have to make easy projects.
I did buy a shawl pin while at the yarn store.  I have 2 shawls so I've been looking for a pin for quite some time.  I did knit a shawl in trade for a pin, but that hasn't come thru yet, but when it does I will have two pins.  So I"m happy about that.
I have projects that I want to knit, I want to work on the Gale for my stepmother and the Ishbol for me, but I just don't have energy after a long day with 2 kids, the hubby deployed, a super-hyperactive dog and home renovations going on. Plus all the little things that make life stressful that I've been going thru.  The car accident, breaking my husbands car, the house getting struck by lighting, spraining my ankle, having the boys take turns getting sick and trying to get my passports and visas.  I have a bit of stress... so I"m working on it.  I just need to find time to knit and relax.
Maybe tomorrow

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